What is your age?

This information will assist in providing you with more tailored insights.

Have you been diagnosed with ADHD?

What habits would you like to change?

Select all that apply.

How easily distracted are you?

Do you take medication for your ADHD or any other mental health condition?

Which ADHD-related symptoms do you most ralate to?

Please select all that apply.

Do you agree with the following statement: “Complex tasks requiring extensive organization often overwhelm me.”

“Struggling with ADHD can indeed be challenging, but it doesn’t have to define your life. ADHD can affect your ability to focus, control impulses, and manage daily tasks. Through our Neuromodus Program, we provide personalized insights, tasks, and educational content, all designed specifically to help you manage ADHD. Delivered to you daily – it’s your personal guide towards managing your symptoms more effectively.

Neuromodus Team

Cognitive Behavior Therapists,

Do you feel your mental health has been affected by ADHD?

Are there specific activities that you find challenging due to ADHD?

Select all that apply:

How do you feel about your work or studies?

Do you feel that your personal and professional life could improve through effectively managing ADHD?

How would you describe your sleep pattern?

Have you ever struggled with any of the following?

Choose as many or few options as you like.

What are your goals in managing ADHD?

Please select all that apply.

“I always had trouble focusing and staying on task. With Neuromodus, I have found techniques that truly make a difference. The daily emails keep me on track, and I am more productive and less stressed.”

Samantha R.

Denver, CO


What amount of time are you willing to dedicate daily to self-improvement in managing ADHD?

Reclaim your focus with a personalized ADHD management assistant.

Get rid of distractions and regain clarity!

Change your life one step at a time!

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“Neuromodus consists of experts in cognitive psychology, ADHD management, psychoanalysis, and nutrition. We have developed an exclusive program (87 lessons, 26 tools, and 394 insights) which has proven effective for 89% of our customers in enhancing concentration, navigating stress, and establishing an optimal daily routine to manage ADHD. Take control and unlock your full potential with Neuromodus.”